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In a relationship, most men struggle with the term: Nice guy and Good guy. It is not hard to spot the difference in both men, that’s because they both carry similar responsibilities but different motives.
Being a nice guy in a relationship is referred to as; generous, kind, agreeable, and vulnerable. Most women don’t like dealing with these types of men in a relationship because they are perceived to have fraudulent traits.
But a Good guy in a relationship is one who is admirable, trustworthy, kind, and selfless. They do not do things that favor them in a relationship and they are observed to have an authentic lifestyle. A woman will always want to be with a man who can be true to himself and also true to her.
A woman wants to dwell with a man who shows genuine traits and characteristics and wants what is best for her.
But there is a common question people ask about nice guys;
Are nice guys attractive?
The truth about nice guys is that they finish last, which means they are usually used as a comfort to every girl. They do not see them differently, just as they see a bad guy or a good guy.
Although they show some traits that make a girl like them, those aren’t genuine. They might get what they want in the short run but never get to finish the race because, in the end, the truth will always come out.
You’re a nice guy and you are not receiving as much attraction from a woman as you expected, well, it might be because you aren’t coming out real with who you are.
Don’t forget a woman can spot an ingenious guy from a mile away.
What does a nice guy mean?
A nice guy is someone who shows kindness, and love and is unauthentic about themselves. They are ‘nice’ for a reason, which is making people love them for who they are not.
Women are attracted to people who are genuine about themselves and do not go out of their way to please them – this is the story of a nice guy.
It is no surprise that a woman will always prefer a bad guy over a nice guy and the major reasons are; that bad guys are genuine specimens while nice guys are the wannabe type.
Differences between a nice guy and a good guy in a relationship

These questions are often asked in a relationship, if I am a nice guy to a woman will she love me or if I am a good guy will she give me love and attention? Don’t worry about it anymore. Most relationships fail because we haven’t gotten the right answers to our problems.
But are there really right answers to a problem in a relationship? Yes! Learning from people like me who have failed to have a woman in the past has cost me a lot and improved my relationship skills. Here are the major differences between a nice guy and a good guy;
1. Good guys are direct in communicating, while nice guys are sneaky
The reason why nice guys aren’t loved by a woman is that they don’t say ‘what they want’. They are often shy and sneaky with their approach to a woman which a woman can find creepy.
A girl will want a man who will come to her and say what he wants and likes about her. Those guys are often the good guys and bad guys who are genuine with their actions. Women are always attracted to people who show more confidence in themselves, and not someone who doesn’t know his way around how he wants to say something or do something.
2. Nice guys don’t care about you as much as a good guy does
Nice guys are usually around you to get what they want and when they are done, they become a villain. They cannot be compared to a ‘good guy’ whose intentions are pure and straightforward to you.
I can tell you for free that a nice is only there to get you on his side and make you feel like they truly care about your feelings. They know how to act in a way that may seem authentic, which is why they always finish last.
Good guys on the other hand are respectful and generous when it comes to caring for people, they always finish first and get the best girls out there. So, why not be the good guy?
3. Good guys want the best for you, while nice guys want the best for themselves
Good guys are always authentic with the way they act and present themselves to you. If they don’t want something, they will tell you without discomfort. But even a nice person who is eager to get what they wants might put on a mask of deception to mislead you.
A nice guy will make you believe that he is the one for you and he genuinely wants the best for you, which is not true. They want you to love them and accept them for what you see which is an act of disguise. Being with a nice guy can be found unhealthy and toxic in a relationship because you cannot see the full story behind who they are.
4. Nice guys never put themselves first, but a good guy does
The reason a nice guy will not put himself into consideration is because he believes that if he doesn’t show that he is up to a standard or more than the person you hang around with, they will not be loved. They are the type you may call, fake it to make it. Which never ends well.
Unlike a ‘good guy’ who is true to himself and doesn’t act or dress a certain way to be who he is not. They believe anyone who sees him will love him for who he is and not who his not.
A good guy will always come out first in their decisions and always want to please themselves before others. They are genuinely admired for their self-presentation and the clear boundaries they set in their lives, unlike a ‘nice guy’ who goes out of their way to please others, potentially compromising their self-respect.
5. Good guys are admirable, while nice guys are not
As hard as it will hurt a nice guy, they are never admired or selected by a woman. They are usually friend-zoned and not regarded as someone special as that of a good guy.
Good people are admired for their respectfulness, authenticity, and loving nature. They are the type of men that a woman will see and say yes, he is the one I want to be with. A woman will continue to choose a good man over a nice guy because their way of life always matches what she truly wants.
6. Nice guys avoid rejections, while good guys accept it
Nice guys are always afraid of rejection which is why they are not authentic. They are the type that will do whatever it is which includes disguising their identity to make a woman proud of them. Nice guys are always scared that they are not good enough.
Speaking of good; Good guys are always appreciative even in times of rejection. They will take it in good fate and true the process. They always believe that; those who love them will love them for who they are.
A nice guy and a good guy are totally different in terms of their way of life. A good guy is always willing to accept rejection and improve in themselves while a nice guy will avoid rejection at all costs in order to be accepted.
7. Good guys are always genuine, while nice guys are unauthentic
Good guys are the type that will not compromise their happiness or standards in other to please someone. They would rather be accepted or not, for them not to change who they are; which is why a girl will always want them and they tend to finish first.
But a nice guy is someone who sees an opportunity to become someone or something else and take it, in order to be the right guy for a girl. This way of life makes a nice guy finish last at all times, which means they don’t and never get what they want.
8. Nice guys are unreliable, while good guys are trustworthy
Nice are not to be trusted because of their wannabe nature. While good guys are trustworthy because they are true to who they are and what they want. It will be a challenge to be with a nice guy in a relationship because they will one day show their other side in the end – a fake lifestyle.
Being with a good guy brings a sense of peace and security in a relationship. They are the ones who will always love and pamper you when you need them the most.
9. Good guys protect their standards, while nice guys do ‘whatever it takes’
Good guys are guided by morals and principles which makes them standout and admired by ladies. But a nice guy is always the wannabe guy who does whatever it is in his power to please other people just to love the kind of person he is.
A nice guy does not set boundaries which is why they are usually intimidated and friend-zoned. They are not as confident as a good guy who is always charismatic about himself. Why not be the nice guy who ladies truly admire and never change who you are?
10. Good guys do something without seeking anything in return, unlike nice guys
Good guys are pure when they help others. They work with their intentions clear without expecting something. But nice guys are opportunities, they seek every possible chance they get to make sure you are in debt to them.
Good guys are admired because of how well they see people and how they show love and care to others without expecting anything from them. Be a good guy who cares genuinely about people’s feelings and not a nice guy who cares about what he gets from others.
11. Nice guys are dangerous in hearts, while good guys are not
When something doesn’t go as planned for a nice guy, they will begin to show their other side – I bet you, you wouldn’t like it. They begin to show a side that is full of despise, hate, and greed especially when they are being rejected.
But a nice guy will always carry rejection as a fair play and learn from it. They are always willing to control their emotions and accept life as the way it is, which is totally different from a nice guy.
This happens to a nice guy because he always expects things to go exactly as he planned. He has a picture-perfect mindset that makes him stamped to a perfect life. And when it doesn’t go as planned, he unleashes his ‘true’ side.
12. Nice guys hide in the dark, while good guys step into the light
‘hiding in the dark’ means not staying true to yourself and others. Good people ‘step into the light’; they are authentic in who they are and are unconcerned with others’ opinions.
Being authentic to who you are is what makes a relationship last longer and gives it deeper meaning. People end things with their partners because they do not tell their partner what they need to hear, even if it hurts. Being genuine can make a relationship spicy and also bring about trust.
13. Good guys always know what they want, while nice guys are opportunists
When a good man sees a woman he likes, they will go for her straight up without cutting corners, but nice guys will always want to come with a corny behavior or lifestyle that will trick a woman into trusting them emotionally and physically.
Don’t be the guy who comes in with a fake identity but be the guy who tells a woman what he really wants. Rejection doesn’t kill when you accept it but only makes you stronger.
14. Good guys don’t care about what people think but nice guys do
What defines a nice guy is often his fear of rejection, including concerns about how others perceive his personality or his background. But a good man will always be who he is. He doesn’t compromise his happiness for others. They are committed to living their best life and only pursue what brings them joy.
15. Good guys finish first, while nice guys finish last
Whether a ‘nice guy’ likes it or not, they will always be the last and never get what they truly desire. But a ‘good guy’ will always get what he wants because he is direct, authentic, loving, and caring. If you consider yourself a nice guy or are trying to be one for a woman, I hate to say it, but you might not get what you think you deserve. You might think your plan is working but, in the end,, you will not get the satisfaction you wanted.
Final conclusion on nice guy vs good guy
In relationships, the distinction between a “nice guy” and a “good guy” is crucial. Nice guys often rely on indirect methods and may disguise their true intentions, which can come across as disingenuous or manipulative. They might seek to please others or avoid rejection, but their lack of authenticity and failure to express their true desires often leave them unfulfilled and friend-zoned.
In contrast, good guys are straightforward and authentic. They communicate their intentions clearly and are confident in their self-presentation. They build genuine connections based on respect and care, leading to more fulfilling relationships. Good guys accept rejection gracefully and focus on self-improvement rather than hiding behind a facade.
Ultimately, being a good guy means valuing authenticity, setting healthy boundaries, and genuinely caring for others without expecting anything in return. Good guys are admired and valued because they are true to themselves, leading to more meaningful and lasting relationships.