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A narcissist is known to have dominant power and control over someone, which makes them fearful in the eyes of people. but what if you flip the script and become feared by a narcissistic person?
In most cases, I would say that you should leave a narcissist and never get in a relationship with them because they are selfish and self-absorbed beings who don’t care about what you think or how you feel. But you can make them fear you, which will be proven not to be impossible anymore.
If you are reading this article is because you may be battling with a narcissistic partner or friend and you want them to show you respect and also fear you. Don’t worry anymore, I will guide you with tips on how you can make a narcissist fear you in your relationship.
Can a narcissist respect anyone?
Yes, A narcissist is capable of respecting individuals who demonstrate potential, respect, and strong boundaries. Becoming independent and recognizing your worth can set you apart from those who are often victimized by a narcissist and earn their respect.
People might say a narcissist will never respect anyone regardless of who you are, but I will say no. because they usually feel frightened and intimidated by people who challenge them. They never feel safe around them when they are in full control. They want people who they can intimidate and use for their games but people who know their worth can’t be disrespected by a narcissist.
How to make a narcissist fear you

Making a narcissist fear you requires strategic planning because you are not dealing with people who do regard you but manipulate you to satisfy their ego. If you have a narcissistic partner or friend and you want them to fear you, I will tell you it is not impossible. Here are the 12 ways you can make a narcissist fear you;
1. Don’t be too available
Being too available causes a narcissist to “see you finish”, which leads to some sort of disrespect and most importantly, they won’t fear you.
But when you become scarce and well-developed – healthy and improved lifestyle, a narcissistic person will fear you and value the kind of person you have become. Most disrespect in a relationship or friendship comes from being present for everything.
But the moment you begin to restrict the way you go for events and other gatherings, and come back well-nourished and happy in your lifestyle a narcissist will fear you.
2. Be assertive
A narcissistic person knows how to force power into someone to do their dirty work. Why can’t you do the same? A narcissist does care about you, only themselves. They want everything to work in their favour which means taking your freedom.
Becoming assertive involves taking control and showing confidence in yourself and what you stand for. A narcissistic person deals with weak minds, and you don’t want to be that. You are better than that and can flip the script by showing them that you are in charge.
Challenge them by showing how confident you are about yourself; become exceptional from the weak, and be bold.
3. Becoming discreet
I notice that people who split out words without thinking of what comes next can make themselves vulnerable. A narcissist takes control of those who don’t know how to control themselves, which means the words that come out of their mouth also show why they cannot be feared.
But does who carefully think of what next comes out of their mouth and control their actions are usually mysterious and feared by a narcissist because it creates speculation leading to respect.
4. Becoming charismatic
Charismatic people are very influential which means disciplined and well-respected. They are usually feared by a narcissistic person because they are at the peak of their lives. And narcissists fear those who are on top.
A charismatic person shares leadership traits and a fulfilling lifestyle. A narcissist cannot pull down a charismatic individual, instead, they fear them and believe they could be a threat to their lives.
5. Standing on your decision
When your yes is ‘yes’ and your no is ‘no’ a narcissist will respect your decisions and value the kind of person you are. It will strike fear into them, saying you cannot be touched or tampered with. When you express uncertainty about your desires, you empower narcissistic individuals to seize control.
Standing on what you want and how you want it to be implemented can make a narcissist fear you and most importantly respect your ways.
6. Giving them commands
Being in control requires command which brings forth respect and instills fear in a narcissistic person. We all know that narcissists are adept at giving commands to manipulate others for their own satisfaction. Why not try turning the tables and doing the same?
Giving a narcissist command will make them see you as someone who cannot be dealt with or manipulated. They will perceive you as an alpha figure who doesn’t take nonsense or any sort of abuse.
7. Feed on becoming better
When you become happier, richer, and healthier a narcissist will fear and value you. Everyone wants to live a better life and that is not up for debate. Why don’t you do this and frighten a narcissistic person? Make them feel you are not a mediocre or a weakling they can destroy.
Show you are happier without them, you are always building your body and eating healthy. This will immediately destroy their ego and they will fear the kind of person you are.
8. Ignore them totally
Ignoring a narcissistic person can destroy their ego and make them acknowledge you and not the other way around. Giving a narcissist attention can make them have more control and power over you, but when you do the opposite, you gain more respect and authority over them. They begin to feel insecure and threatened by you.
9. Start your own power team
Being around people who are successful and ambitious to get things done can make a narcissist feel threatened by you. They begin to see that you are now on a different level and fear the person you have become.
Spending time with individuals who have high-level influence and ambitious traits can cause them to perceive you as a threat and focus on you rather than themselves.
10. Becoming independent
Independent people are self-made, and they are perceived to be feared by a narcissist. A narcissistic person does not have power or control over people who develop a sense of being independent. They are now free and brave enough to stand up against anyone they choose. Being independent can make a narcissist fear you and bring about a sense of good living and prosperity.
11. Do not argue with them
Most times a narcissist takes control when they see that you are feeling insecure about yourself. They take advantage of people’s feelings and make them turn against themselves.
The best way to make others fear you is to not let your emotions control you. You can do this by avoiding unnecessary arguments that could be used against you and you create room for them to hurt you.
But when you remain stoic, they don’t understand you and when they don’t understand you, you become feared and powerful.
12. Maintain strong boundaries
Having strong boundaries will make a narcissist resist and fear you. They do not know how to manipulate people with strong boundaries. They only touch people who do not know how want they want and how to control the kind of people that come into their lives. Having boundaries keeps you safe and makes a narcissistic partner or friend fear you.
Final thoughts

In conclusion, making a narcissist fear you requires a strategic approach centered on self-improvement, assertiveness, and maintaining strong boundaries. By becoming less available, more independent, and confident in your decisions, you project an image of strength that challenges a narcissist’s control.
Embracing charisma, discretion, and a clear stance in your interactions forces them to respect and even fear the person you’ve become. By refusing to engage in unnecessary arguments and surrounding yourself with a powerful support system, you diminish their influence over you, ultimately shifting the balance of power in your favor.