For a narcissist to humbly respect you, means that you are now the price. If you are living with a narcissist, there is a high probability that you are being looked down on or simply disrespected.
We all know that dealing with someone with a narcissistic disorder can be a lot and also challenging in friendships and relationships. They are proud and highly boastful of themselves; this gives them the edge to take advantage of people’s will and make them lose their self-esteem.
It is highly possible to make a narcissist respect you just by following every tip of this blog.
Yes, I have dealt with a narcissistic partner and I was able to see myself through because I knew how to handle challenges and love myself more. And I knew that if I don’t get out quickly it will cause more harm than good to my well-being. I knew I was the price and didn’t want to compromise my happiness just to feel humiliated and satisfy their ego.
How to make a narcissist respect you

A narcissist doesn’t just respect anyone because of their egoistic trait, but they only respect the few who know how to put them in their place. Yes, you reading this article, can also make a narcissistic friend or partner respect you. It is not hard at all. I will guide you on how you can earn their respect and be perceived as a high-value individual.
Here is how to make a narcissist respect you;
1. Loving yourself
A narcissist takes advantage of insecure people. people who do not have self-love and charisma. They know how to manipulate without any love for themselves to do their bidding.
But the moment you show how much you love yourself and do not do anything that is against your joy and happiness; then a narcissist will respect you. Although they try as much as they can to bend you out of your will, but they will respect the fact that you are self-aware and have boundaries for yourself.
Loving yourself can make a narcissistic person respect you.
2. Knowing your worth
When you know your worth and what you stand for, a narcissist will have no choice but to respect you. They may not agree with your opinion, but they have no choice but to accept it because they cannot manipulate someone who knows what they want and how to manage their own issues.
Knowing your worth can bring value and respect to you. It shows people that you can be decisive and courageous to take your steps. Definitely, a narcissist cannot stand you because they love to have full control and power.
3. Becoming decisive with your words and actions
People who don’t know what they want and how to handle decisions can easily be manipulated by a narcissist. Even in relationships, a narcissist takes control and overpower their partners because they don’t know how to say Yes or No and don’t have high self-esteem. In other words, they cannot speak for themselves.
But people who know how to make decisions for themselves and never compromise their happiness for others are always respected even by a narcissist.
4. Staying independent
Being independent means you’re not afraid to solve your problems and you’re a risk taker. Narcissists are always afraid of people who compete with them because they put them under pressure. They start to fear you as soon as they see you, partly because they have no control over you.
Independent people are always bosses and decision-makers, they thrive being alone, and that is definitely what a narcissist doesn’t want. Being independent can bring about respect and make a narcissist value you.
5. Hanging out with high-value individuals
Hanging out with people of great value and well-respected in society can make a narcissist jealous and also respect you. Remember that a narcissist always feels that they are above everyone and use that to belittle people. But the moment you shine your light by sticking around with people who are also respected, they will be compelled to respect you for holding such a position.
6. Putting yourself first before anything
Placing yourself first before anyone and anything can make a narcissist respect you. They might not like the idea because they want you to admire them and always worship them for their accomplishments; but when you don’t, they respect you.
Narcissists always manipulate people who do not consider their needs and wants or have no idea of who they are. But those with value always put themselves first and a narcissistic person will have respect for that.
7. Becoming an influencer
Being an influential person in society can place you on a high pedestal and make an egoistic person respect and honor you. A narcissist only sees people with value as their equals which involves seeing yourself as a price.
They respect people who are of value to other people because they know they are no match for them in terms of their ratings. You become respected when you become valuable to yourself and to the people.
8. Setting firm boundaries
Setting your boundaries can put a narcissistic person in his/her place. It shows that you have high and optimal respect for yourself and you wouldn’t want anyone to hurt you or cross what you have set as a no-go area.
People with little or no boundaries can easily be manipulated by a narcissistic person which can bring about disrespect. Setting boundaries in your life can make a narcissist respect you.
9. Saying “No” to them
Being a ‘Yes’ man/woman all the time can bring about disrespect and no value. people who always do the will of a narcissist and never oppose them are always looked at as puppets of a narcissist. It shows you have no rights or authority in the relationship. But when you stand against a narcissist and believe in what you want you become respected.
10. Becoming wealthy
Becoming wealthy means living a healthy lifestyle, which involves money and health. When you take care of your health you become attractive enough to gain a narcissist’s respect. When you work hard enough and stack up a lot of bags you also become respected. No one wants to be poor because it makes you unattractive. But when you have all these qualities of becoming wealthy in you, you become highly respected and valued by people.
11. Finding your happiness
When you find happiness and joy, you become someone that a narcissist will respect. But when you are all sad and dependent, a narcissist will want to seek the advantage to hurt your self-esteem and to please their ego.
Being happy is communicable, which means a narcissist can sense it when they are around you. Happiness is one thing you should never trade. People trade their joy and happiness for money, that is why you see them being used and unfulfilled. But the moment you value your happiness you become one with yourself and can gain the respect of a narcissist.
12. Challenging them
Stepping up to what you know is right can really hurt a narcissist’s ego and also make them respect and fear you. Challenging a narcissistic person is what people fear to do, but only the 1% can. They are the ones who have self-respect and do not displease themselves to please others.
A narcissist will always want you to submit to them and displease yourself. However, when you challenge them by taking the opposite approach and valuing yourself highly, they will recognize your worth.
Final thoughts

Gaining the respect of a narcissist involves demonstrating self-worth and independence. By loving yourself, knowing your value, and setting firm boundaries, you become less susceptible to their manipulative tactics. A narcissist will respect those who are decisive, self-reliant, and influential, as they challenge their need for control.
Surrounding yourself with high-value individuals and maintaining your happiness further solidify your standing. By confidently asserting yourself and not succumbing to their demands, you not only gain their respect but also reinforce your own self-worth.
In essence, respect from a narcissist is earned through self-assertion, independence, and unwavering self-respect.