Are you having trouble finding out a guy is really into you, I mean, if he loves you more than just a friend? Well, there are related signs you should know that you might not notice immediately.
Some men are silent when it comes to expressing their love for a girl. This could be, because he might be afraid of rejection or sometimes want you to figure it out.
In most cases, a woman may take it as pride if a man doesn’t tell her how he truly feels about her. However, sometimes a man may refrain from expressing his feelings to avoid embarrassment if the woman does not reciprocate.
If a man truly loves someone, he will do crazy things to make her feel happy around him. And this includes making her feel safe, loved, and valued as a woman. Truly, if a man likes you more than a friend, you should be able to discern it through these signs that I will share with you.
How to know if a guy is really interested in you
To know if a man is interested in you isn’t that hard to notice. It requires calm observation and dedication. It is just like the opposite; some women tend to have mysterious traits that involve careful observation by men. Here is how you will know a man is interested in you;
- He admires your looks
- He protects you
- He is always willing to spend time with you
- He does like when you cry
- He has your best interest at heart
- He always wants to know more about you
- He surprises you with gifts
- He always wants to hold hands
- He supports you
Signs a guy likes you more than a friend

There are many ways to know a guy likes you more than just his friend and wants you to know about it. In a normal circumstance, if we like someone who is a friend to us, we begin to draw close to that person, and our way of responding changes at that very moment. Here are the signs a guy likes you more than just a friend;
1. He defends you anywhere
If a man likes you he shows his interest by defending you anywhere. He doesn’t let anyone talk bad about you. He is like a loyal partner who will pledge his life to see you happy.
A man is always willing to protect something he loves so dearly which includes his woman. It is always essential for a woman to pay attention to these signs in order to determine if a man’s feelings for her go beyond mere friendship.
2. He holds your hands in public
When a man holds your hand in public, it means several things that go beyond just friendship. It signifies that he wants to protect you, wants others to recognize the bond between you both, and desires your attention to be on him.
Holding hands in public can be a way a man wants you to know that ‘we are more than just friends’. He is never ashamed of the kind of girl you are and wants people to see that. Which is why they are potential lovers and confident about what they want.
3. He teases you about his future with you
Some men may not come out direct about their feelings because they don’t know how you will take it. Most times if a man is really into you, he will want to give a joke or a scenario of how perfect your lives will be together.
He shows his deep interest in you by telling you about his future and expects you to understand it. He might also come up saying he wants to marry you or maybe have beautiful kids with you – in a joke. But to him, he is telling you a point. In order words, if a man teases you about his future with you it means he wants you more than just a friend.
4. He talks about how beautiful you look
If a man is interested in you, he doesn’t know how to hide his thoughts when he sees something gorgeous or outstanding. When he compliments you, he shows you how grateful he is to be around you. Your beauty makes him ignore everything around him and only sees you as the prize.
He makes you feel special even when you think you aren’t feeling the same way. He clouds you with good and comforting words and appreciates everything that makes you who you are. He doesn’t let negative impressions from others make you lose yourself and feel insecure – he is always the right person who make you feel safe.
5. He showers you with surprises
When a man loves you more than a friend, he is always good at surprising you with gifts. He brings you things you like and pays attention to things you hope to get. He always cares about what makes you happy and works with it.
A man is always big on surprises that’s because he wants to show you how much he truly cares and loves you. It is important that you pay attention to these little details and see a man who he really is to you.
6. He doesn’t like other guys around you
Most times when a guy likes you, he becomes protective of you around other guys. He doesn’t like it when men are clouding you or asking you on dates, which is a deep sign of jealousy.
He wants you all to himself as a friend and lover. He feels insecure when men begin to see you the same way he sees you – meaning he doesn’t want to share you with anyone else. In other words, a man doesn’t like it when men are around you because they see you more than a friend.
7. He constantly talks about how amazing you are
A man will never shut up about how amazing you are, especially to him. He values and cherishes every moment he spends with you and doesn’t want to shut up about it to anyone including his friends and family. He makes sure anytime you feel down, he is there to comfort and encourage you.
He behaves like a partner who has your best interest at heart and is always willing to support you emotionally. This sign shows that a guy likes you more than just a friend and wants to let you know about it.
8. He wants to get touchy
Another way to know if a guy likes you more than just friends is when he starts getting touchy with you. What I mean by ‘touchy’ is that he wants to get intimate with you, either by kissing, hugging, or holding in a more intimate manner. This sign shows that he doesn’t want to be just friends with you, but something more romantic.
9. He makes sure you feel safe around him
When a guy likes you more than a friend, he ensures that every moment spent with him is worth it. He doesn’t want to witness your sad moments, only the happy times. He does whatever he can to ensure you feel comfortable: by surprising you with dates and events. This type of friend wants more from you and wants you to pay attention to the little details.
10. He acts up when you go on dates with men
Men can be jealous sometimes, and that is normal. We sometimes want the person we love to always be around us, and spend quality time. Instead of going on dates with someone else.
A man will begin to question himself, saying; what is it that the man will do that I cannot do better or what does he have that I don’t. This act is known as jealousy.
11. He is always there when you need someone
There are times in life when you feel like the world is crashing down and things seem to be going wrong. And there is always that one particular friend who shows up whenever you are feeling low. They will not rest until they see you happy and on your feet again.
He might not tell you directly but he wants you to understand how much he cares about you. This is deep. Men also use body language to show their feelings, which they do often to people they care about.
12. He lets you into his personal life
There are some men who are strict with boundaries and never let anyone violate them. But when it comes to someone they care about they are always free with them and don’t care about what comes next. When you encounter this type of man, you should know that they have some butterflies in their butter for you.
Also, he shares some secrets like his family, work, and other things he doesn’t tell anyone. He does this not just because he trusts you, but because he feels some kind of connection with you.
13. He is always excited to go out with you
There is nothing more fun than a man who is always energetic to be with you. When you see a man who sacrifices his time to be with you; know that he feels something special with you. He wouldn’t want to miss any moment with you. He tries to make you happy, feel comfort and excitement when his with you.
Sometimes these feelings are found in their eyes, and they are genuine. You should be careful to observe every moment your “friend” spends with you and see that he does beyond what friendships are normally defined.
14. He pays attention to small details
A man who finds interest in you will always listen to everything you say – the little details. Even when you think they don’t listen they always do because they like you more than just friends. They find you more attractive and always want to be that ‘guy’ who pays attention to you.
They can go as far as surprising you with your demands which can be so exciting. And they do this not just because you’re friends with them but also because they see you as more than just friends.
Final conclusion

In conclusion, recognizing the signs that a guy likes you more than just a friend can help you understand his true feelings and intentions. From defending you in public to paying attention to the smallest details, these actions often speak louder than words. A man who consistently shows you affection, protects you, and wants to spend time with you is likely interested in more than just friendship.
Being aware of these signs can guide you in understanding his feelings and deciding how you want to move forward in your relationship.